Thursday, January 31


It’s been almost a week since my last post, and all I have been doing is workout and study HTML and CSS. Yeah, I had all the time in the world so I decided to do something worthwhile. As my friends know, I really love designing web pages and taking pictures as well, it has been something that takes a lot of my time but doesn’t make me feel tired at all. So given the time, I decided to learn everything I need to know and make it something I’d be doing for the succeeding months or even years.

I have to admit, there are some people who inspired me to do this. Some people, I haven’t even met but really helped me realize what I want through their works of art. First is Ash Castro. I saw his site months ago and was really impressed by his work. Second is Niccolo Cosme, who is also a master in the field. How I found him, is actually remarkable. I saw Wanggo’s headshot in Multiply and thought it was one of the best headshots I’ve seen. Then I saw Ash Castro’s headshot, which kinda looked the same as Wanggo’s in terms of the size, color, background and lighting, and I found out that Niccolo was the photographer. I checked out his site and saw several headshots of his friends. I immediately called him asking how I could get my own headshot; unfortunately, he won’t be doing any until the middle of the year. Though disappointed, because I badly want one, I just asked him if I could add him as a contact in multiply. It’s a good thing he said it was ok because I was thinking he doesn’t have a clue who I was, and it was awkward for me to ask that question. Anyway, he’s already my contact, as well as Ash, two people who inspired me to do what I’ll be doing soon.

About the Game

Step number 1: Choose the Right Victim

As I have said in my previous post, I'll be talking about the game with the Charmer through the Art of Seduction book, and follow the steps in it. The first step states that I should be choosing the right person to seduce. I don’t think that ‘victim’ is the right term, but I just followed what it states in the book. According to Robert Greene, there are several types of victims. But before that, you should identify what type of seducer you might be. The book describes several types of seducers, and I have identified myself as a Rake, I’ll be describing the types in my next posts. Going back to the rule, as I understand it, I should make sure that I know my victim well, so I asked my people who knows him and also tried to go out with him to know him more, but to my disappointment, the only information I got was that he is a Buddhist, he smokes a lot, and I also got his schedule at work. Honestly, this makes me feel like a stalker of some sort, and the idea that I’m publishing this bothers me, but on the other hand, I’m enjoying the fact that I’m doing something out of the ordinary, so until I get any negative feedback from people about this post, I’m gonna continue what I started.

I’m still waiting for the time when I can spend more time with him and get more information about him. I have only seen him 3 times the past week, and we don’t usually send each other messages, so for the succeeding blogs, I would probably talk about the types of seducers and victims before I go to step number 2, which is to Create a False Sense of Security-Approach Indirectly.

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