Friday, February 1

Another Renaissance

I will be going through a lot; I know this for a fact. I’ll be moving out of my parent’s place tomorrow. For the past weeks, I have been thinking on living an independent life. Life has been easy for me with my family around. I got used to having people’s help anytime. Not that I’m complaining, I’m thankful for having my family’s support, it’s just that I’m afraid that I won’t be able to live normally without them when there’s an urgent need to. I have to start getting used to it now. So I talked to one of my friends, and luckily, they have a spare room. The place where I’ll be staying isn’t that far from my folks. It’s also accessible to a lot of places, like the gym, MRT station, restaurants, 24-hour convenience stores, coffee shops, etc. so I don’t think adjusting won’t be that hard, especially living with some of my close friends (though they’re not in the house that often). I’m gonna be packing my stuff in a while, of course I have to bring with me five of the most important gadgets I have (which are all colored black by the way, I just love the color). I told myself before that the 5 gadgets that I need and want would be, first, a mobile phone. Mine’s Nokia 6300 which is so user friendly and slim. It’s the best basic phone I’ve seen. Also, since I love music, I have an iPod, a 4GB Nano which plays videos as well, so it’s cool. Fourth is my laptop, which is almost a necessity nowadays, I have an old ASUS A3000, which contains all the important documents I need, including back up copies of my blog entries. I also have a slim PSP, which is there when I’m bored and when I need to surf without having to bring my laptop. The last one took me years before actually getting one. I love taking pictures, and it was hard for me to determine what kind of model to buy for a digital camera. Fortunately, I was able to decide this afternoon, and bought a Canon Powershot G9. I still have a lot to learn in order to use it effectively, and I’m not really in hurry, so I just decided to finish studying CSS/HTML first.

I have already set goals for myself, and I guess I’m on the right track. I’ve been telling my subordinates at work that the most important thing in a company is that the employees are happy with what they’re doing because that will give them the motivation they need to perform well. It’s hard to assign duties to people who don’t really like what they’re doing. The output won’t be as remarkable, or worse, they won’t be productive at all. The good thing is I already know what I want, and know that this would be something I won’t get tired of doing. Hopefully, I’d be successful in the field.

About the Game

The Techniques

I have to correct myself. My previous blog states that there are steps in seducing a person. After some reading, I found out that those are actually techniques. The first one I discussed is the most important, but as I understand it the rest doesn’t have to come in order. So here are all the techniques (they might sound weird, but the explanation in the book justifies the title):

1 Choose the Right Victim (the absolutely critical first step)

2 Create a False Sense of Security-Approach Indirectly

3 Send Mixed Signals

4 Appear to Be an Object of Desire-Create Triangles

5 Create a Need-Stir Anxiety and Discontent

6 Master the Art of Insinuation

7 Enter Their Spirit

8 Create Temptation

9 Keep Them in Suspense-What Comes Next?

10 Use the Demonic Power of Words to Sow Confusion

11 Pay Attention to Detail

12 Poeticize Your Presence

13 Disarm Through Strategic Weakness and Vulnerability

14 Confuse Desire and Reality-The Perfect Illusion

15 Isolate the Victim

16 Prove Yourself

17 Effect a Regression

18 Stir Up the Transgressive and Taboo

19 Use Spiritual Lures

20 Mix Pleasure with Pain

21 Give Them Space to Fall-The Pursuer Is Pursued

22 Use Physical Lures

23 Master the Art of the Bold Move

24 Beware of the Aftereffects

After several days of not sending any message to him, based on technique number 3, sending mixed signals; I wanted him to think that I’m not really that interested anymore. To my surprise, he sent a message to me saying that he suddenly thought of me and he hopes that I was ok. I said “ you just miss me. Haha! I’m ok, hope you are fine as well”. Then he said he wanted to see me soon. I said “I’ll tell you when I’m free. J

It’s funny how people need attention. Usually I tell my friends who are having issues with the people they like to just don’t bother. I was trying to make them look unavailable, and the more they act that way, the more the other person does the chase. Maybe humans have this need to chase or to be wanted. If they see that an individual does everything to catch his attention, the more he moves back and allows attention to boost his ego, but when it stops, he’s gonna do things to get that attention back, which is the same thing that happened to the Charmer.

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