Thursday, January 31


It’s been almost a week since my last post, and all I have been doing is workout and study HTML and CSS. Yeah, I had all the time in the world so I decided to do something worthwhile. As my friends know, I really love designing web pages and taking pictures as well, it has been something that takes a lot of my time but doesn’t make me feel tired at all. So given the time, I decided to learn everything I need to know and make it something I’d be doing for the succeeding months or even years.

I have to admit, there are some people who inspired me to do this. Some people, I haven’t even met but really helped me realize what I want through their works of art. First is Ash Castro. I saw his site months ago and was really impressed by his work. Second is Niccolo Cosme, who is also a master in the field. How I found him, is actually remarkable. I saw Wanggo’s headshot in Multiply and thought it was one of the best headshots I’ve seen. Then I saw Ash Castro’s headshot, which kinda looked the same as Wanggo’s in terms of the size, color, background and lighting, and I found out that Niccolo was the photographer. I checked out his site and saw several headshots of his friends. I immediately called him asking how I could get my own headshot; unfortunately, he won’t be doing any until the middle of the year. Though disappointed, because I badly want one, I just asked him if I could add him as a contact in multiply. It’s a good thing he said it was ok because I was thinking he doesn’t have a clue who I was, and it was awkward for me to ask that question. Anyway, he’s already my contact, as well as Ash, two people who inspired me to do what I’ll be doing soon.

About the Game

Step number 1: Choose the Right Victim

As I have said in my previous post, I'll be talking about the game with the Charmer through the Art of Seduction book, and follow the steps in it. The first step states that I should be choosing the right person to seduce. I don’t think that ‘victim’ is the right term, but I just followed what it states in the book. According to Robert Greene, there are several types of victims. But before that, you should identify what type of seducer you might be. The book describes several types of seducers, and I have identified myself as a Rake, I’ll be describing the types in my next posts. Going back to the rule, as I understand it, I should make sure that I know my victim well, so I asked my people who knows him and also tried to go out with him to know him more, but to my disappointment, the only information I got was that he is a Buddhist, he smokes a lot, and I also got his schedule at work. Honestly, this makes me feel like a stalker of some sort, and the idea that I’m publishing this bothers me, but on the other hand, I’m enjoying the fact that I’m doing something out of the ordinary, so until I get any negative feedback from people about this post, I’m gonna continue what I started.

I’m still waiting for the time when I can spend more time with him and get more information about him. I have only seen him 3 times the past week, and we don’t usually send each other messages, so for the succeeding blogs, I would probably talk about the types of seducers and victims before I go to step number 2, which is to Create a False Sense of Security-Approach Indirectly.

Friday, January 25

The Game

After waking up, I immediately checked my phone if there were any message from the Charmer, but unfortunately, I didn’t even get any message from anyone. I stood up and went downstairs to eat and helped my cousin sort some stuff for her job. While segregating the stones (which my cousin is using to make jewelry), I felt the urge to send him a message and ask what how he was doing. He said he was in a mall with a friend. He also told me that he didn’t have work tonight so I asked him when we could go out. After a couple of minutes, there’s still no reply, so I sent another message telling him I was just trying my luck. Then he said sorry for not replying, and that we’ll go out sometime. I didn’t send a response anymore.

The messages that were sent totally confused me. I thought he liked me too, but a question lingers in my mind now… why didn’t he reply when I asked him when we’re going to go out. Maybe it’s just me or maybe, just maybe, he couldn’t or something bothered him when I asked him that question. I don’t want to overanalyze things but I just can’t help it. A friend told me to just play the game, the game of seduction, so I’m going read The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene and just take my friend’s advice. The next blogs you’ll be reading would be about how I’ll be playing the game.

Let the game begin!

Thursday, January 24

The Charmer

It started Wednesday last week, we went to one of the bars in Timog because it was my cousin's birthday and I wanted her to have fun. It was a slow night but everything changed when this guy went to the stage. At first, I thought he was cute, but didn't really think of anything out of the ordinary. My friend couldn't stop talking about how cute he was, but I just didn't mind him. At the back of my mind though, I thought he was the cutest in the room, and all the time I was just staring at him. The moment he sang, I actually felt weird. The spotlight was on him, all I can see is his face, the way he smiled, the way his face changed whenever he was trying to hit a high note. I don't think I felt that way before. It was like my emotions were swirling inside me. His voice was like a spell pulling my insides toward him. At that time, I told myself “this is bad, I think I seriously like him...” I still remember the song he was singing then, it was “I'll be there” by Mariah Carey and some guy. He was singing the male part. Until now, as pathetic as it may seem, his voice is still in my mind, especially the part where he was belting out. I couldn't understand what happened to me but I was struck by this guy. I told myself I'm gonna go back next week to see him perform again. I thought he was my Charmer. It wasn't easy to get him off my mind. Actually I even told my friends about that guy, and were just laughing and telling me it was just infatuation.

Hours ago, I was with my cousin again and we're on our way home from Bonifacio High Street, when her friend (who knows a lot of people in the bar) sent a message to my cousin saying that the guy, who I will call the Charmer from now on, likes me and was asking for my number. All of a sudden, I was anxious of what happened. Was my cousin's friend able to give my number? How did he say it? Was it really me he was referring to? Is this really happening? A lot of questions popped into my mind. I was so eager to find the answers to my questions. And since it's Wednesday, and he's gonna be performing in the bar, I told myself I have to be there and see him.

Inside the bar, I waited for hours for him to come out to the stage and sing, and when I first saw him, I felt my heart beat faster. Is he gonna see me? Will he look at me? The bar was almost closing and nothing was still happening so I decided to call it a night and went to the washroom before leaving. When I came back, I saw him talking to my cousin. I honestly didn't know if I would go back to the washroom and pretend that I left something or should approach him and ask him if he really did ask for my number. I mustered all the confidence inside me and approached them. My cousin introduced him to me. He shook my hand and we went outside. When we said goodbye, I thought I needed to get his number so I gave my phone to my cousin and asked her to get his number for me. We waited for a couple of minutes and went home.

We went to my cousin's friend so I could get details on what happened and what he said about me. I just found out that last Tuesday, the Charmer was asking her about me and to introduce him to me. He was even asking her to tell me to go there tonight. While she was telling me the story I couldn't help but smile. After a few minutes of thinking whether I should text him or not, I took my phone and sent a message to him introducing myself and saying that I was the one who asked for his number. Few minutes passed, which felt like hours, I got a message from him saying that he also wanted to get my number but was just shy about it. He said that he hopes that he could see me again. I said “Sure. Next time I'll invite you to have dinner or something. :)”

Wednesday, January 23

Sound Tracks

I’ve been searching for some of the soundtracks that I like, unfortunately, I’m not familiar with the titles so I gathered all the researching abilities that I have in me and found 2 song titles. The fist one is Secret Garden by Bruce Springsteen from the movie “Jerry Maguire”. The line “She's got a secret garden, where everything you want, where everything you need, will always stay a million miles away” just moved me. It reminds me of times where you’re talking to someone and it feels like everything just makes sense. Having a connection with someone you don’t really see that often but once you spend time with that person, time flies so fast. You could converse for hours about anything. It’s such a high that you feel so contented with what you are experiencing that you don’t want the day to end. I miss that.

The second one is The Blower’s Daughter by Damien Rice from the movie “Closer”, which is one of my favorite movies by the way. The movie just stirred me. It’s amazing how movies could depict how people live and react. And with the help of music, everything just becomes more intense.

There are times where I would just listen to my favorite music and daydream. It heightens my senses that sometimes I feel everything deeply. You might think I’m crazy or something, nut it’s one of the things that we don’t normally talk about but actually happens. Like what one of my friends said through SMS, “the difference of movies from real life is the background music.”

Tuesday, January 22

Nothing to do

I’m an official BUM. Just submitted my resignation 2 weeks ago and now, I’m trying my best to find the most interesting thing to do. I already read books, worked out a lot, had good times with friends, watched movies, etc. And now, I’m so bored. I’m still waiting for the results of my application in other companies and trying to enjoy life, but for the past few days, I’m starting to get bored with not doing anything. It came to a point where I had to beg my friends to go out with me, but of course, I couldn’t expect them to always be free since they have jobs/studies. And now, I don’t know if I will be happy because I have all the time to myself or I will crazy not having any plans for the days to come.

I tried to update all the profiles I have in different websites but I find myself frustrated in the end because I just can’t seem to edit the layout of my Multiply Account the way I wanted it to look like. I wanted it simple with the same header as the one I have here, but after several hours of trial and error (I didn’t study HTML, just used logic to figure out how to edit websites), I gave up.

I’m planning to do oil painting tomorrow, since my brother has all the things needed and it’s been a long time since I used my creative juices on anything at all. The last time I painted was in college, where I used watercolor, though oil is a completely different medium, I know I’ll find a way to come up with I nice image. Hopefully the outcome’s good. I’ll post the painting here as soon as I finish my first masterpiece.

For now, I guess, I’ll just have to wait for tomorrow’s idle time, hoping for something interesting to happen.