Monday, August 7

Saturday Night

After several weeks of not going to bars and dancing like crazy, last night, I was able to go back to how I was years ago. I danced like there was no tomorrow.

After work, I went straight to the mall and watched “Sukob”. It was one of the few movies that will give you the shock of your life. Everyone screamed on the top of their lungs. Just imagine, there were five of us occupying four seats. We lifted the armrests so we can sit close together. It felt like we sat on a couch. After the movie, all we can talk about was how our knees are still weak. The movie was definitely worth watching.

After the movie, I went straight to bed. It was around 3pm when I last checked and set my alarm hoping that I would wake up at 8pm to meet my friends in Greenbelt to have dinner. Luckily, I woke up at 8pm, unfortunately, my body did not stand up, all I can remember was when I checked my phone it was already 11:40pm. The first word that came out of my mouth was “SHIT!” The second time I looked at my phone, I saw 3 missed calls and 9 messages. I immediately called my friend and asked where they are. Fortunately, they were still in Greenbelt having coffee, and decided that they will go to Government afterwards. I told him to wait for me, and then rushed downstairs, took a bath, wore a white shirt and jeans and put on my dancing shoes. I was so in a hurry that I didn’t even check if I still have money in my wallet.

When I got to the coffee shop, I immediately ordered cafĂ© mocha, to wake my body up. After a couple of minutes of chatting with them, we decided to go to the club. Everybody decided to go. I do not exactly know what’s with me that night, but I was so excited.

When we got to the club, I signed my name on the VIP list, and then I walked towards the entrance where here was only a black cloth covering what was going on inside, only the beat of the music could be heard.

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I almost forgot how it was inside the club. It felt like people are on “E” or something. Everyone was dancing… some guys even took their shirts off, exposing their sweaty chiseled body. After a couple of minutes of letting things sink in, I went to the bar and got myself a glass of Cape Cod and went upstairs to greet my friends who are regulars of the club. After that, I found myself talking to joel bout creating a post on describing what we see, feel and hear right at that very moment. We were trying to look for the right words to use like surrendering to the music, or feeling the music flow through our veins, something like that. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t find the right words to use now, so I’m just gonna say that it was a F*CKIN great night. It feels good to dance your heart out without caring bout what the people around you would think. That’s what I did. I surrendered to the music, and hell yeah… it was fun. After hours of dancing and taking over the dancefloor, it was time to go (there were still a lot of people inside, it’s just that czar needed to go home), we went to the exit and daylight flashed before our eyes… it was 6:30am. I didn’t even notice. It was a night to remember. Too bad I didn’t get to meet anyone.

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