Thursday, August 24

Thoughts of a slightly shopaholic person

I shouldn’t be posting this because it’s kinda embarrassing, but who knows, maybe someone out there could relate…

Today’s a normal day for me. It’s just the 4th working day after payday and I almost spent all of my money. This is what usually happens to me, however last payday, I was expecting that I would have enough money to last 2 weeks because I wouldn’t be paying a lot of bills. I don’t know what happened but money just flies away so fast that I don’t even remember all the things that I’ve been buying. Yes, I have a problem.

I’m about to start reading this book, Shopaholic Takes Manhattan. I finished the first one (Confessions of a Shopaholic) last week, and I’m also looking forward to reading the third book (Shopaholic ties the Knot). It’s about this girl who can’t stop buying things that she doesn’t really need. She’s always justifying the purpose of her purchases. I can’t help but relate to what she’s going through… and it’s kinda scary. But don’t get me wrong, I can still pay my debts and I’m not broke, it’s just that I can’t seem to save money. I know there are a lot of people in this world who are having the same dilemma, but I have to get out of that circle. The problem is, there are just some things that appear out of nowhere which makes me spend more than what I usually do. I pay a lot of bills: phone, electricity, water, etc. But if I analyze things, my salary would be more than enough. Like what I’ve said, there are just some things that you just couldn’t help but buy. Like for example, I went to the Robinson’s Galleria sale last weekend. I bought 5 shirts in Calvin Klein worth 300 each. I know that these are just wants and not needs, but without the sale, they’re worth around Php1000.00 to Php1500.00 each! Who wouldn’t take advantage of that? And another thing, I treated 2 of my close friends to a movie. That’s ok, right? (I believe in good karma) Last Friday, one of my agent came up to me with a bag of clothes (these are brand new clothes that are sold to famous and expensive boutiques in the metro. She sells it to me half the price coz they’re the ones manufacturing the items), everybody in the office is always excited when she comes in with a bag filled with clothes. I bought a long sleeved polo and a pair of pin striped slacks worth 700 each (sold Php1500 for the polo and Php2000 for the slacks when you buy it in the market), and the fit is perfect so it’s definitely a good buy. Sometimes, I also buy small things that don’t cost that much, but when you combine everything at the end of the day, you’ll just be shocked with how much money you’ve already spent. I admit it; I’m just not good with saving money. On the other hand, I probably know what to do; I’m just too stubborn to do it. The good thing is I still have enough money left in the bank.

But then, all things come to an end, and I’m not really addicted to shopping (just slightly addicted), so starting next payday, I’m REALLY gonna start saving.


Anonymous said...

i'm a shopaholic too... well everybody knows that. i dream of becoming the 2nd imelda marcos.
i'm an impulsive buyer and i love buying things that would just suit mt mood... even if i don't need it.
and i don't care if it's on sale or not. as long as i love it.. i buy it. i waste money. i love spending. life is short so live life to the fullest. if it makes you happy then go! even if it means buying the whole store. u myt be dead tomorow anyways. and before you die or get really poor... atleast you can say that you dressed to kill. its not bad. its a hobby.
so tl, its not only you that spends money all the time with worthless things. it's self satisfaction. sarap kaya!
nways,,, in short, we both love spending and spending and spending. anyways its money so you should spend it ryt?

Jayce Cortez Jacinto said...

I definietly understand this post! ALthough I'm not a clothes-freak (not that I'm saying you are...hehe!)...I hate dressing up for anything. It's the little things, those knickknacks, bric-a-brac and waht not that really hit mybudget.
The following are my usual thoughts, in sequence, starting from the day I check my atm during payday.
Reaction 1: Wow, Jayce! That's a lotta money!
Reaction 2: (Day 3) I'm hankering for Chinese food! Offta the resto we go!
Reaction 3: (End of week) Frikkin' laundry lady's late! About to run outta undies, socks and shirts! Offta the department store! I guess it would suffice to say that most of the stuff I spend on, are actually things that I can do without. And yeah, we all gotta save for rainy days, right?

Anonymous said...

i could relate to this...

yeah... i'm a bit of a shopaholic once... well, slightly...

but that stopped ages ago... not because i ran of dough, buried in debts or anything... i guess, i see that it was pointless... trying to gratify some empty shelves in my life with shopping. (not that im say that you are in same boat or anything. but in my case, that how it was)

anyhoo, how did i stopped myself being a shopaholic? hmm...

1. cleaned my closet.

i hate doing that but when i did i was petrified with what i saw. i have tons of clothes that i haven't used or wore only once

2. wrote everything i spent.

i have this notebook that i wrote everything i spent on. (yes, everything even if it is only 25 cents) that way i know which are the ones that i can do without and where did i spent my money.

3. aside from my payroll atm card, i have 3 other different bank accounts. that way, i could spread out my hard earn money and save up.

4. i only keep small amount of money in my wallet. i would set a decent amount of money that i plan to spend on the week and try to stay on that budget.

5. save the change.
i always pay in bills then save up the coins. that way, i could save up the coins in my piggy bank which is a good way of saving up too.

i have never had any problems with earning money or keeping it. i never had debts or missed a payment. but being a shopaholic then deprives me of enjoying life outside the mall. (metamorphically speaking)