Tuesday, August 8


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I was finally able to push myself to work on my blog. After a couple of hours of Photoshop-ing, surfing and editing, I was able to achieve my idea of a “simple yet fun” site. Although, I’m not that satisfied yet because the pictures don’t seem to be that clear, I’m still happy because I was finally able to accomplish what I wanted to do weeks ago. Thanks to some cool sites (where I got ideas and pictures), I finished my masterpiece! (I even have my signature on the header… heheh!) I attached some of the pictures I used for the header here, just to let you know where it came from. (Thank you James for the pics.)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Now I have a huge favor… If it’s not too much, can you give out feedback, suggestions, or whatever you wanna say about the way this site looks like (or even the things that I write… hehe)? Hopefully, you could tell me if the old one’s better. I really appreciate it. Just click on the comment link below… Thanks.

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