Monday, July 24

Just an Update

There are a lot of things that happened to me the past month, I don’t even know where to start, but I told myself that I have to write again, so here it is.

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- I have quit smoking for almost 2 months but I started smoking again because of the stress at work. I’m going to quit… again. If I was able to do it before I can easily do it the second time.

- Work has been more stressful than ever. It came to a point that I wanted to quit right at that very moment. It was also the reason why I reached the most stressful and depressing moment in my life. It’s crazy.

- My mom is starting to act really weird. She starting to be really nice when I’m around, which kinda scares me. I don’t know why. Maybe I’m just not used to it. She’s telling me that she just misses me since we don’t have time to talk anymore because of my work.

- I already have internet at my station at work. How I got it is a long story. I’m just happy that I have one. It’s actually one of the reasons why I still go to work.

- I’ve been so into changing the template of my blog. I’m very proud to say that even if I didn’t study a single thing about HTML, I did the template by myself. It’s easy for others maybe, but for me, its days of trial and error.

- I’m still not satisfied with the way my blog looks which made me stop writing for quite sometime thinking that I should made the site look better first. I want a simple one; I just don’t know where to start though.

- I’ve been doing the header/title of my friends’ blog. I’ve done several for my best friend Joel and I’m doing Chai’s now (check out the links on the right side). I just love doing headers. It brings out my creative side. I’ve actually downloaded a lot of Photoshop brushes, and I find them really cool.

- I just found out that other people, aside from my friends, read my blog. It made me feel shy because I’m not that good in writing, but I’m happy that there are people, who I do not really know, finds my posts interesting. I honestly did not expect it. (Thanks for reading guys...)

- I’ve been doing zips for a couple of weeks now, and I am proud to say that I could do fire already, I just don’t want to coz I wanted my fist burn (that’s how they call it) to be perfect. So I’ll need more practice.

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- I’ve had a major bonding with my team at work. I just love the guys.

That’s it for now. I have to prepare for work. It’s been raining hard and I don’t want to be late.

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