Thursday, November 1

For those who chose their mind over their heart

For all the people around the world who is hurting because they chose their mind and not their heart, this is for you.

I just miss writing. It’s been more than a year since I last wrote here, and now that I’m at the perfect place at the perfect time, I’m going to relive the times when I sit in front of my laptop and just tell him my story believing that he would understand and share my emotions.

I’m in a very stressful state right now. I just came from an overwhelming relationship with a person I love so much. And now, due to some circumstances that make my everyday life harder, I had no choice but to end it. Even if we are still in love, we still had a problem, and that problem is us.

For a year, I had experienced what I have been wanting for the longest time, and that is something I will treasure for the rest of my life. I experienced how to not care about what others would say, how to sacrifice a lot of things for the one you love and say to yourself it is all worth it, how it feels to have the courage to do things that you never thought of doing before, how you would give up everything just to be with that person, that person that you love. It’s so hard to understand how love changes the way people think and the things people do, it’s just crazy. Right now, I still remember how love changed the way I think and react to things. I must say, love is just so powerful, that even the most intelligent person would do stupid stuff for the person he loves. But the thing is, when time comes into the picture, somehow, things change. It’s like time balances you mind and heart, giving you a different perspective on things. Some people who did crazy things for the person they love, after some time of having the relationship they wanted, falls out of love in the end. Or someone who’s madly in love before, someone who did crazy stuff, ends up having the courage to use his mind and stop doing everything for that person. Does time help balance the mind and the heart, giving you a new option to choose something else and not be a slave of your emotions?

The year I had was a bumpy ride, but it was all worth it. Until now, my heart still wishes for this relationship to continue, but my mind tells me otherwise. I did not have this power to resist him before. I used to do everything for him. It’s just that, right now, I was able to gather all the strength in me, and choose to follow my mind and not be like other people who chose love despite the trials. But don’t get me wrong, I am still in love with him, but I just can’t have a relationship with him, and it’s hurting me real bad. I know that there are a lot of people around the world who feels the way that I do, and I must say, I salute you guys for having the courage to go through this pain because of the belief that it is the right thing to do, may we all learn to heal our wounds and start a new beginning. And for those who chose to follow their heart, I wish that you’ll have the strength to surpass the pain that you’ll be going through, and I hope that one day, the risk that you are taking would lead you to something worth the tears that you’ve shed along the way.

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