Wednesday, November 3

Dating 101

Dating someone is not a part of my normal routine. I can't even remember the last time I dated, maybe because it's something I'm not good at. I don't even know what dating is nowadays.

Saturday night, I got an invite from a friend to go the a Halloween party. It was my birthday and I didn't have anything to do, so I said yes. We got there at around 1:00am, technically Sunday, October 31st. The place was packed, the line was 3 blocks long. The good thing was my friend had connections. :)

We went to one of the Korean places and saw some old friends. A couple of Sojus later, I was shirtless dancing. I was having so much fun (with the help of alcohol) that I just started flirting with other people there. After several introductions, I ended up with one of my old friends, N. He was with two other guys, one was with my friend, J, and other was alone, standing alone behind N. I was hugging N when I noticed him. I told him he's cute. I didn't have any intention of flirting with this guy. I just found him really mysterious and cute. The next thing I remember was that I was chatting with him already. We exchanged numbers and they left.

That morning, when I woke up, I was happy. I didn't think that I am capable of getting that much numbers that one night. It was a big ego boost, though, I honestly didn't have any plans of calling the guys. For me, that place was a playing ground, and I am not the type of person who would play around.

"I'm searching for u in facebook
Can't find u"

It was a text message from him. I told him I didn't have any so he asked me to make one.

After a couple of exchange of text messages, we ended up meeting that night to have dinner. We also played billiards (where he lost and gave up his shirt), sang in a videoke, had a couple of drinks in a bar and ended sleeping in my place.

Now, we're dating, but in a little more complicated situation than what you think.

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