Thursday, November 18

Things I'll Never Say

I'll just write everything here. Maybe one day you'll see it, maybe not. But what's important is that I'm able to express what's inside me, whether you figure it out or not.

NOTE: If you haven't seen anything that makes me turn you off big time, this might be it... this is my young teenager side. But who cares? I have nothing to lose. You're not mine anyway. :P

Here it goes...

I am always happy when I am with you. No matter how complicated things are, I always see the good side of what we have. I admit, sometimes it hurts to think that I do not have the right to ask you to see me anytime I want to, or sleep beside you every night, or wake up every morning and see your face, but it's fine rather than not seeing you at all.

I love everything about you. Since we met, I've been looking for something in you that would turn me off, but up until this moment, I haven't found any.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm taking pictures of you in my mind. Every now and then I see you smiling at me. Remember the first time I slept at your house? You were sleeping at the couch with him. When I was about to leave, I woke you guys up so you could transfer to your room. When you opened your eyes, you were smiling. I dunno if you were dreaming but I thought it was funny to see you wake up smiling when you always sleep with your eyebrows crossed like you're mad at someone.

Just the thought of you puckering your lips when you ask me to kiss you makes me ecstatic. Whether I'm at work or in the middle of a conversation with a friend over coffee, seeing that picture in my mind would never fail to make me smile.

Every time I see you make that semi-sad face, there's something inside me that makes me want to hug you. Remember when we were eating at Recipes when we said that we feel like we're like magnets? I feel that every time you make those weird facial expressions or every time I feel your skin against mine. Sometimes I couldn't help myself but hug and kiss you.

When you kiss my cheeks or put your chin on my shoulder, the butterflies in my stomach come to life. When we're walking side by side, and out of nowhere you put your arms around me, I melt. I feel like a teenager whenever you do those things.

There was this time when we were on the escalator in Trinoma, I was in front of you and you suddenly hugged me. People were staring at us but you didn't care... we didn't care. The whole time, I was wishing that the night won't end.

Most of the time, I wanted to call you or send you a message, but I hold back thinking that he might see it and might cause you trouble or you might not respond. You don't know how hard it is for me to hold back. But once I get a text from you, or I hear your voice when you call, I turn to a different person, someone who couldn't stop smiling. It's funny coz if I tell this to my friends, they'd laugh at me or raise an eyebrow or even tell me that's pathetic, but you know what, that's the truth and I don't want to lie to you.

I admire your honesty. You do not pretend to be a straight acting guy when you're with me, which is something that most people do nowadays. You have the guts to tell me the truth, even if you think that it would hurt me. Though I am still not sure up to this moment if you are really honest to me, or if everything is just game to you, I'd take it. All that matters to me now is that we're having fun.

I like it when you do whatever you wanna do, when you dance (especially when you danced waka waka, which I never saw again), show your feminine side, when you tell me that you're too lazy to take a shower, the way you say "anubayun" and "tuhmuh", when you put your fingers in the middle of my chest, when you put your hand on my legs when we take the cab, when you tease me, the list goes on. I could tell you a lot of things that I remember about you in the two weeks that we spent together, I pay attention to details, these are the things that I always cherish.

Right now, all I think of is being happy. Not caring about what other people would say. Besides, there's a reason why our paths crossed. There's a reason why out of all the people that night we met, out of all the guys who got my number, out of all the times I met different people, you're the one who's here now, the one who brightens my day. There's always a reason for everything, there must be something I have yet to learn out of this.

You also made me believe that age doesn't matter. Sometimes you make me feel that you are more mature than me. You are adventurous, free spirited, and no matter how much you deny it, you know what you want and you do everything to get it. You are a good person. I admire you for what you do. You live your dreams.

You're the person who makes me want to wake up every morning and face the day with a smile hoping that I'll see you again. The only person who made me comfortable in my own skin. Some one whose kiss I'd always want to have. Your smile is the first thing I want to see when I wake up everyday. The one who I never got tired of seeing, no matter how far you are, no matter how complicated this is. You are an amazing person.

I am taking this one as it is. I hold on to the changes that shift inside me and allow things to fall in to whatever place they're meant to be. I know that the odds are not on our side, but that's fine. I'm still glad you're here now, making me happy. I just hope that I'm truly making you happy as well. I do not want you to worry, I am fine the way things are. I know where I stand. But like what I asked you before, just tell me if things have to end. Don't just leave, have the courage to at least say goodbye. And if that time comes, I'll wish you well and thank you for the ride.

Wednesday, November 3

Dating 101

Dating someone is not a part of my normal routine. I can't even remember the last time I dated, maybe because it's something I'm not good at. I don't even know what dating is nowadays.

Saturday night, I got an invite from a friend to go the a Halloween party. It was my birthday and I didn't have anything to do, so I said yes. We got there at around 1:00am, technically Sunday, October 31st. The place was packed, the line was 3 blocks long. The good thing was my friend had connections. :)

We went to one of the Korean places and saw some old friends. A couple of Sojus later, I was shirtless dancing. I was having so much fun (with the help of alcohol) that I just started flirting with other people there. After several introductions, I ended up with one of my old friends, N. He was with two other guys, one was with my friend, J, and other was alone, standing alone behind N. I was hugging N when I noticed him. I told him he's cute. I didn't have any intention of flirting with this guy. I just found him really mysterious and cute. The next thing I remember was that I was chatting with him already. We exchanged numbers and they left.

That morning, when I woke up, I was happy. I didn't think that I am capable of getting that much numbers that one night. It was a big ego boost, though, I honestly didn't have any plans of calling the guys. For me, that place was a playing ground, and I am not the type of person who would play around.

"I'm searching for u in facebook
Can't find u"

It was a text message from him. I told him I didn't have any so he asked me to make one.

After a couple of exchange of text messages, we ended up meeting that night to have dinner. We also played billiards (where he lost and gave up his shirt), sang in a videoke, had a couple of drinks in a bar and ended sleeping in my place.

Now, we're dating, but in a little more complicated situation than what you think.