Sunday, June 12

The Power of Goodbye

I miss these moments. Sitting in front of the computer, listening to music, trying to think of what happened to me the past few days, weeks, months, or years even. For me, it's an unexplainable state. I feel like i'm bringing out some part of me that's been hidden for the longest time. I'm venting out emotions, and it feels damn good.

Tonight, i'm listening to Madonna's "Power of Goodbye", i just had the urge to play it while writing this blog, don't ask me why, im not sure. Maybe it's the solemn, intense beat, or maybe it's the lyrics... "learn to say goodbye", or who knows... maybe it's just Madonna.

Anyway, last week, I met this guy. I was talking to his close friend who just broke up with a long time boyfriend. He just appaered out of nowhere. He suddenly extended his hand and introduced himself. I was so wasted that night, but i still remember how he looked like, everything was so clear.We started this conversation. He was talkin about how he wanted to have a guy, and i was asking him what he wanted, i'm trying to get picture of the guy that he liked thinking that maybe, i could help him find one. After all the guessing, i kinda gave up. It seems that this guy didn't care about the physical side. Everything's fine with him long as he's nice. After that, I started teasing him, then all I remember is that his head is on my shoulder and one of my arms is around him...

To make the long story short, we have this wierd constant communication. i wanna see him again though, maybe one of these weekends...

I told myself this will be different. i'm saying goodbye to my old ways. I'm gonna enjoy every moment, i'll not think about it. I will go with the flow. No more sudden moves, no more surprises...

we'll see what will happen...